The short monograph you are about to read was first published on the ITMA label on November 5, 1998 and was published on FinancialReform in JPG format when the site opened on a free host on November 23, 2001. The quality of the scans left much to be desired, and really should have been replaced years ago. Since August this year I have scanned literally hundreds of pages for my main website, the vast majority of them in Portable Document Format. Although I have not abandoned JPGs entirely for scanned text, a single PDF file for a publication of this size, and sort, seems preferable, especially as PDFs are searchable.

Although the quality of the actual file is much improved, the page alignment leaves something to be desired, as do my artistic skills all round. Having said that, I am vain enough to consider this to be an important publication at this time in view of the misnamed credit crunch and looming world recession.

Alexander Baron

December 17, 2008

In August 2015, when the compressed version of this pamphlet was replaced with an uncompressed version, page 2 was rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Page 2 is actually the inside front cover; pages 10 & 11 are blank, so have not been scanned.

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