Major Douglas On War

In November 1934, the BBC - then radio only, of course - broadcast a speech by Major Douglas called The Causes Of War. I can’t remember when I found this on YouTube, but I uploaded it to this site on October 22, 2016. It was uploaded to YouTube in two unequal parts which I decided not to merge.

A transcript is said to have been published in (the now defunct magazine) The Listener on December 5, 1934. I found the attached transcript on-line at the official Major Douglas website, which also contains the BBC audio. The transcript is wrong! There are literally dozens of errors, none of them important, certainly none that detract from the message, but I thought I had best verify it.

I have access to The Listener but only microfilm for the relevant issue, which would have been troublesome to dig out and copy. However, the speech is also included in the 1937 edition of Social Credit, to which I have easy access, and CHAPTER VIII: THE CAUSES OF WAR is included here. Again, the transcript is wrong! And again, this is not important.

The transcript at the relevant link below is my translation, and although he may quibble about the punctuation, I am sure the reader will agree it is one hundred percent accurate.

The Causes Of War - audio, part 1
The Causes Of War - audio, part 2

The Causes Of War - transcript (corrected by Alexander Baron)

The Causes Of War - transcript from Social Credit (1937 Edition)

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