Selected Bibliography


Baron, Alexander: MONEY: Medium Of Exchange Or Debt?, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1998).
Bloomsbury (publisher): Who SAID What WHEN: A Chronological Dictionary of Quotations, (various editors and contributors), London, (1988).
magazine [ie Campaign Against Racism and Fascism], (various issues), London.
Colledge, Dave: LABOUR CAMPS: THE BRITISH EXPERIENCE, published by Sheffield Popular Publishing, Sheffield, (1989).
Collier, Peter and Horowitz, David (editors): THE “RACE” CARD: WHITE GUILT, BLACK RESENTMENT AND THE ASSAULT ON TRUTH AND JUSTICE, published by Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA, (1997).
Daily Express
newspaper, London, (various dates).
Daily Mail
newspaper, London, (various dates).
Daily Telegraph
newspaper and supplements including Sunday Telegraph, (various dates).
Davison, Ronald C.: BRITISH UNEMPLOYMENT POLICY THE MODERN PHASE SINCE 1930, published by Longmans, Green, London, (1938).
Douglas, C.H: Social Credit, published by the Institute of Economic Democracy, (Douglas Centenary Edition 1979).
Douglas, C.H: THE MONOPOLY OF CREDIT, Introduction by Geoffrey Dobbs, published by Bloomfield Books, Sudbury, Suffolk, (1979).
D’Souza, Dinesh: The END of RACISM “Principles for a Multiracial Society”, published by The Free Press, London, (1995).
Dunelm, Herbert Bishop of Durham (Introduction by): THE YELLOW SPOT: the outlawing of half a million human beings..., published by Victor Gollancz, London (1936).
Evening Standard
newspaper, London, (various dates).
Ginsberg, Benjamin: The Fatal Embrace: JEWS AND THE STATE, published by University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, (1993).
newspaper and supplements, (various dates).
Haley, Alex, see entry for X, Malcolm.
, published by Butterworth’s, London, (1998).
Hannington, Wal.: UNEMPLOYED STRUGGLES 1919-1936 My Life and Struggles Amongst the Unemployed, published by Lawrence and Wishart, London, (1936).
Hochbaum, Martin and Levine, Naomi (editors): Poor Jews: An American Awakening, published by Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, (1974).
Horowitz, David, see entry for Collier, Peter.
newspaper, London, (various dates).
Information for the Community, Westminster Library & Archives (publisher): Help for homeless people in Westminster advice agencies emergency accommodation day centres employment advice services medical centres, 4th edition, London, (July 1998).
Kossoff, Julian: School for scoundrels, published in Time Out, April 24-May 1, 1996, page 16.
Krefetz, Gerald: Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality, published by Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, (1982).
Lever Brothers & Unilever Limited (corporate authors): THE PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT, published by Waterlow & Sons, London, (January 1943).
Levine, Naomi, see entry for Hochbaum, Martin.
Mosse, W.E.: Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite 1820-1935, published by Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1987).
New Scientist
magazine, (various dates).
Perlo, Victor: ECONOMICS OF RACISM U.S.A. Roots of Black Inequality, published by International Publishers, New York, (1975).
Pool, James and Pool, Suzanne: WHO FINANCED HITLER: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power 1919-1933, published by Macdonald and Jane’s and Futura - A Raven Book, (1979).
, published by The Stationery Office, Norwich, (1997).
Quigley, Carroll: TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A History of THE WORLD in Our Time, Second Printing, Angriff Press, Los Angeles, (1974).
Rand, Ayn, The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought, Edited by Leonard Peikoff, published by New American Library, (1989).
Statutory Instruments
, (various).
newspaper, London, (various dates).
Thomas, S. Evelyn: THE SOCIAL CREDIT BUSINESS, published by Simpkin Marshall, London, (1935).
newspaper and supplements including Sunday Times, (various dates).
Watts, Cedric: Literature and Money: Financial Myth and Literary Truth, published by Harvester Wheatsheaf, London, (1990).
X, Malcolm and Haley, Alex: The Autobiography of MALCOLM X, published by Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, (1968).

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