Notes And References


(1) This quote is said to be attributed to Sitting Bull (c1834-90), see for example Who SAID What WHEN: A Chronological Dictionary of Quotations, (various editors and contributors), published by Bloomsbury, London, (1988), page 198.
(2) Help for
homeless people
in Westminster
advice agencies
emergency accommodation
day centres
employment advice services
medical centres
, 4th edition, published by Information for the Community, Westminster Library & Archives, London, (July 1998).
(3) POVERTY-BUSTERS’ 5-STAR HOTEL FLIT by Martyn Sharpe, published in the Sun, December 11, 1998, page 18.
(4) See for example the current writer’s pamphlet MONEY: Medium Of Exchange Or Debt? published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1998).
(5) The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought, by Ayn Rand, Edited by Leonard Peikoff, published by New American Library, (1989), page 271.
(6) Rand, The Voice of Reason..., page 274, (ibid).
(7) None more so than the race industry bureaucracy. In December 1998 a report into the activities of the misnamed Commission for Racial Equality claimed that “much of the commission’s £15 million budget is spent on ensuring the CRE’s continued existence rather than resolving race issues.” The report, whose author Blondel Cluff, is a black woman, was leaked to the Daily Telegraph, see issue for December 15, 1998, pages 1 & 4.
(9) Such as the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 CHAPTER 20, which contains such inspiring prose as
3. – (1) If a dog defecates at any time on designated land and a person who is in charge of the dog at that time fails to remove the faeces from the land forthwith, that person shall be guilty of an offence unless –
(a) he has a reasonable excuse for failing to do so; or
(b) the owner, occupier or other person or authority having control of the land has consented (generally or specifically) to his failing to do so.
(10) There is one such centre in Sutton, Surrey, which is housed in a palatial building.
(11) See for example Benefit cheats made £100,000 in ‘cottage industry’ of fraud, published in the Times, August 2, 1997, page 3. This reports the case of a husband and wife who were sentenced to four years each for a massive benefits fraud over a seven year period. The wife masterminded the scheme and was described as a “leech on the public purse”. They made multiple claims using different addresses.
(12) Guardian, May 25, 1999, page 14.
(13) Hotline to beat the benefits cheats: Computers are saving millions of pounds by spotting fraud. by Lindsay Nicolle, published in the Times (computer supplement) INTERFACE, January 15, 1997, page 4.
(14) Daily Mail, March 11, 1999, page 10.
(15) One might ask Mr Anderson what is his contribution to wealth creation? Who would notice if his column didn’t appear in the Spectator next week? What loss would that be to society, or even to Spectator readers?
(16) This is my own classification, but most informed observers would agree that the advent of the transistor and a generation later the advent of the micro-chip represent watersheds in the development of technology.
(17) New Scientist, 18 April ’92, No 1817, page 23. This is taken from an article Choices for tomorrow’s chips, by Alec Broers.
(18) According to my own solicitor. Although Legal Aid rates vary considerably, at the time of writing the rates for criminal work in the magistrates courts are around £60-70 per hour.
(19) This needs some qualification because the race industry flourished under the Tories, although not to the extremes it will under New Labour.
(20) One study of Hitler’s rise to power relates the following anecdote: a woman took a wicker basket to market to buy some potatoes. She put it down for a moment while standing in line. When she turned round the money had been dumped on the ground and the basket had been taken. [WHO FINANCED HITLER: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power 1919-1933, by James Pool and Suzanne Pool, published by Macdonald and Jane’s and Futura – A Raven Book, (1979), page 67].
(21) Minimum wage to force job cuts, published in the Sunday Times, March 21, 1999, page 3.2.
(22) Small family businesses are another good example; many of these – especially in the retail trade – are run by Asians, in which the whole extended family may work.
(23) One example is the equestrian field, where stable staff work long hours but also receive tuition.
(24) Very briefly, for the benefit of non-UK readers (and future generations?), in April 1993 a black youth named Stephen Lawrence was murdered by a street gang in South London, ostensibly because he was black but probably because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The police investigation was subjected to intense – and at times grossly unfair – criticism, and the five white youths identified on weak and entirely circumstantial evidence as the prime suspects (and later branded murderers by a national newspaper) escaped Scot-free in spite of outrageous attempts to entrap them. A public inquiry resulted in a White Paper which contained such absurd and Orwellian “recommendations” as outlawing racist language in private – presumably to be enforced by closed circuit television in every home – and in all manner of spin-offs such as recruiting more blacks and other non-whites into the police force, presumably on the basis that it is better for the population to be terrorised by black thugs in uniform than white ones. The phrase “institutional racism” or “institutionalised racism” became an all-purpose slogan used to explain or explain away every racial phenomenon from higher rates of “stop and search” on young black men to supposed underachievement by blacks in the classroom.
(25) In the current writer’s humble opinion, the evidence warranted bringing Frank to trial but would not have convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt of his guilt.
(26) Ritual murder propaganda has also reared its head in the 20th Century, including the Beiliss case in Russia, which was contemporary with the Leo Frank case.
(27) The issue of perjury arose when investigating officer Mark Fuhrman denied on oath ever using the word nigger and was then confronted with a tape on which he was heard to use it repeatedly. Fuhrman’s references to framing suspects could hardly have helped the prosecution case either.
(28) Sacked Britons win race case against Japanese firm, published in the Times, January 22, 1997, page 5.
(29) This was in the days when women didn’t wear trousers as often as they do now!
(30) The Sunday Times, July 27, 1997, page 1.14.
(31) The Times, May 12, 1998, page 3.
(32) Sometimes common sense does prevail. In one case from 1995 a secretary was fired because she persisted in wearing high heels when her boss had ordered her not to because they made a hole in the carpet. She took him to a tribunal for sexual discrimination! Although the case was thrown out, * one has to question the mentality of the people who run a system which would allow such obvious nonsense to proceed this far.
   * High heels claimant fails to win her point, published in the Times, September 12, 1995, page 9.
(33) Sex bias guilt of hotelier who preferred presentable women to ‘oiks’, by Michael Fleet, published in the Electronic Telegraph, February 2, 1996.
(34) The Times Educational Supplement (2), November 1, 1996, page 3.
(35) Counting Jews is always difficult not least because of the age old debate “Who is a Jew?” Even Jews themselves are not agreed, but 600,000 Jews/persons of Jewish origin is a generally accepted figure.
(36) Literature and Money: Financial Myth and Literary Truth by Cedric Watts, published by Harvester Wheatsheaf, London, (1990), page 51.
(37) THE YELLOW SPOT: the outlawing of half a million human beings... uncredited but with an introduction by Herbert Dunelm, Bishop of Durham, published by Victor Gollancz, London (1936), page 18, (citing Wirtschaft und Statistik).
(38) Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite 1820-1935 by W.E. Mosse, Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1987), page 337.
(39) The Fatal Embrace: JEWS AND THE STATE, by Benjamin Ginsberg, published by University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, (1993), page 25.
(40) Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality by Gerald Krefetz, published by Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, (1982), page 11.
(41) Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace, page 1, (op cit).
(42) Krefetz, Jews and Money, page 8, (op cit). Krefetz is citing the black American economist, author and Libertarian Thomas Sowell here.
(43) Krefetz, Jews and Money, page 10, (ibid).
(44) From the Foreword of ECONOMICS OF RACISM U.S.A. Roots of Black Inequality by Victor Perlo, published by International Publishers, New York, (1975). These words were written by Henry Winston, National Chairman of the Communist Party U.S.A. Nuff said!
(45) In the Deep South segregation was fought not by liberals but by the private sector on commercial grounds; segregation was “a triumph of government regulation over the free market”. * As was Apartheid.
   * [The END of RACISM “Principles for a Multiracial Society” by Dinesh D’Souza, published by The Free Press, London, (1995), page 180].
(46) Perlo, Economics Of Racism U.S.A., page 37, (ibid).
(47) Perlo, Economics Of Racism U.S.A., page 38, (ibid).
(48) Krefetz, Jews and Money, page 233, (op cit).
(49) See for example Poor Jews: An American Awakening Edited by Naomi Levine and Martin Hochbaum, published by Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, (1974). There are plenty of poor Jews in Britain as well, as the plethora of Jewish charities is ample testament to.
(50) Actually, “would probably be mystified” doesn’t come into it, as I know from personal experience.
(51) Krefetz, Jews and Money, page 248, (op cit).
(52) To be scrupulously fair, the more extreme “anti-racists”, in particular those of the Socialist Workers Party, tend to rail more at the wicked white capitalists, and also at non-white capitalists, but race industry careerists are not necessarily Marxists much less Trotskyists, while black "anti-racists" are often as materialistic if not more so than any dyed-in-the-wool capitalist.
(53) The Autobiography of MALCOLM X by Malcolm X with the assistance of Alex Haley, FOREWORD by Alex Haley, published by Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, (1968), pages 390-1.
(54) Malcolm X, Autobiography, page 384, (ibid).
(55) Shortly before his assassination, Malcolm X moderated his views on whites after experiencing a revealed truth. Leaving that aside, it is unfair to classify him as a mere anti-white bigot – the hate that hate produced – as some have done.
(56) This area is a minefield, much (supposedly) anti-Semitic propaganda relates to the gerrymandering, whining and wire-pulling of Jewish political organisations. Jewish political power is a reality but is not central to the issues discussed here.
(57) The Race Debate was screened by Carlton/LWT at 22.30 on Friday, November 6, 1998. It was a programme in the Countdown To The Millenium series.
(58) On November 16, 1998 – ten days after the screening of The Race Debate – Kogbara appeared on a Channel 4 programme called Return Of The Ba Ba Zee, in which she openly admitted that her greatest fear is that her son will marry white and lose his black “identity”. It didn’t occur to this stupid woman that she has already contributed to the loss of that identity by crossing the race barrier herself.
(59) I don’t know for sure how old she is, but she’s certainly younger than me.
(60) Kogbara actually uses the phrase “glass ceiling” in her short video presentation which was screened on the programme; it doesn’t seem to have occurred to her that this is something most people reach regardless of race or sex.
(61) In 1994, an article in a daily tabloid reported that the then current chief of the world famous retail chain Marks & Spencer, Sir Richard Greenbury, who was earning over three quarters of a million a year, had joined the company as a £4 a week shop worker. [TOP MARKS: M&S chief bucks the trend to take a £27,000 pay cut, by Isabelle Murray, published in the Sun, July 2, 1994, page 18].
(62) The Times, March 5, 1999, page 41.
(63) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 444, (op cit).
(64) Giving as good as they take, by Stuart Wavell, published in the Sunday Times, December 8, 1996, page 3.2
(65) See also School for scoundrels by Julian Kossoff, published in Time Out, April 24-May 1, 1996, page 16. The Lennox Lewis College at Clapton was set up with a million pound donation from Lewis and a million from Panos Eliades, his business adviser. It was set up specifically for kids “considered terminal failures by mainstream education.”
(66) The Times, June 11, 1994, page 3.
(67) Justin Fashanu died the same day as the (white) TV actor Kevin Lloyd, who literally drank himself to death. Lloyd had recently been sacked from his £130,000 a year job for persistent heavy drinking. *
   Fashanu was formally charged in his absence on April 3, 1998 in relation to alleged offences against a 17 year old youth in Maryland. He may have left the country in ignorance as claimed in his 3 page suicide note. Fashanu’s sexual orientation caused him far more problems in the macho world of soccer than his ethnicity. The outspoken manager Brian Clough is said to have made Fashanu’s sexuality the but of jokes, and he was variously referred to as the Queen of Diamonds and the Queen of Hearts (after soccer clubs he’d played for). His perversion caused a permanent rift between him and his brother, and he was reviled by the black press, ** (black’s are, to their eternal credit, notoriously homophobic).
   * The Times, May 4, 1998, page 23.
   ** A GAME OF TWO HALVES by Tobias Jones, published in THE SUNDAY REVIEW (supplement of the Independent On Sunday) May 17, 1998, pages 4-7: (this is also the cover story).
(68) See for example the Sun, February 9, 1999, page 13. Collymore was fined £450 for speeding. He was said in mitigation to have been suffering from "mental stress"; I should be so lucky. Collymore had previously earned notoriety for beating up his white girlfriend, TV presenter Ulrika Jonsson, who is living proof that beauty is only skin deep.
(69) Asians on a roll as California ends race quotas, by Christopher Goodwin, published in the Sunday Times, November 10, 1996, page 1.21.
(70) From page 186 of THE “RACE” CARD: WHITE GUILT, BLACK RESENTMENT AND THE ASSAULT ON TRUTH AND JUSTICE, Edited by Peter Collier and David Horowitz, published by Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA, (1997). This quote appears in the essay Clarence Page’s Race Problem, and Mine, which was written by co-editor Horowitz.
(71) Horowitz, Clarence Page’s Race Problem..., pages 183-4, (ibid).
(72) Medical ambition for blacks ends with quota ban, by Giles Whittell, published in the Times, August 2, 1997, page 13.
(73) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 487, (op cit).
(74) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 472, (ibid).
(75) Evening Standard, (hot tickets supplement), October 3, 1996, page 2.
(76) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 301, (op cit).
(77) There are definitions of institutional racism, the latest of which appears to be “that which, covertly or overtly, resides in the policies, procedures, operations and culture of public or private institutions – reinforcing individual prejudices and being reinforced by them in turn.” * Which tells us absolutely nothing about why there are so many black soccer players and so few black brain surgeons.
   * CARF, February/March 1999, No 48. This definition is given in an editorial by A. Sivanandan, a professional “anti-racist” activist and long term anti-white propagandist.
(78) Asians show the way, published in The New Standard, (CLOSING PRICES), May 18, 1981, page 5.
(79) The London business and services phone book for April 1997 contains nearly 2 pages of listings for the surname Patel!
(80) Black bid to silence OJ case radio rebel by Christopher Goodwin, published in the Sunday Times, August 10, 1997, page 1.19.
(81) Horowitz, Clarence Page’s Race Problem..., page 188, (op cit).
(82) PUBLIC BODIES 1997, published by The Stationery Office, Norwich, (1997), page 28.
(83) The above is based on a Channel 4 TV documentary about Mark O’Brien’s life and work which was screened on the evening of July 28, 1997.
(84) No man is an island, etc.
(85) The term Down’s Syndrome has replaced Mongolism in this age of political correctness but I find nothing pejorative in the word Mongol.
(86) Acknowledgments to C.H. Douglas.
(87) THE PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT by Lever Brothers & Unilever Limited (corporate authors), published by Waterlow & Sons, London, (January 1943), page 9.
(88) Apparently a contemporary unofficial euphemism for the chronically unemployed.
(89) BRITISH UNEMPLOYMENT POLICY THE MODERN PHASE SINCE 1930 cover title BRITISH UNEMPLOYMENT POLICY SINCE 1930 by Ronald C. Davison, published by Longmans, Green, London, (1938), page 117.
(90) LABOUR CAMPS: THE BRITISH EXPERIENCE, by Dave Colledge, published by Sheffield Popular Publishing, Sheffield, (1989), page 13.
(91) UNEMPLOYED STRUGGLES 1919-1936 My Life and Struggles Amongst the Unemployed by Wal. Hannington, published by Lawrence and Wishart, London, (1936), page 324.
(92) Hannington argued for the forty hour week, lowering the retirement age, etc, but made no mention of basic income, * although to be fair his book was written at a time when the problem wasn’t so much the poverty trap as widespread poverty.
   * Hannington, Unemployed Struggles , page 325, (ibid).
(93) Colledge, Labour Camps, page iii, (op cit).
(94) I first heard of these camps when I was invited to a play about Brandon, many years ago.
(95) Colledge, Labour Camps, page 14, (op cit).
(96) MR. FRANKAU, PHILOSOPHER “DEAR, SENTIMENTAL ENGLISH” published in the Daily Express, March 24, 1933, page 2.
(97) The Problem Of Unemployment, page 5, (op cit).
(98) TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A History of THE WORLD in Our Time by Carroll Quigley, Second Printing, Angriff Press, Los Angeles,
(1974), page 316. [Quigley’s magnum opus is a perennial favourite of conspiracy theorists].
(99) See for example the short pamphlet THE SOCIAL CREDIT BUSINESS by S. Evelyn Thomas published by Simpkin Marshall, London, (1935). Thomas refers to the “famous but fallacious A+B Theorem”; the A+B Theorem is certainly not fallacious. He claims too that “it has never proved that people generally have not enough money to buy all the goods offered for sale”, which will come as a great surprise to the homeless.
(100) See for example Thomas, The Social Credit Business, (ibid).
(101) HANSARD: HOUSE OF LORDS, Wednesday, March 2, 1994, Vol. 552. No. 49, column 1014, Lord McNair speaking.
(102) This and the following is based on the comments of Lord McNair at a fringe meeting at the House of Lords in 1998.
(103) Bogus offices hide shame of Japan jobless by Robert Whymant, published in the Times, May 12, 1998, page 17.
(104) In March 1994 a magazine supplement for one of the broadsheets published a lengthy photo feature on South Africa. On page 40 is a photo of a black car dealer, “one of South Africa’s most prominent wealthy blacks.” On the next page is a photograph of a group of white women and children queuing up at a soup kitchen: “with unemployment reaching more than 90 per cent in some is no longer an exclusively black problem.” [ONE WEEK IN SOUTH AFRICA, published in the Telegraph Magazine, Saturday, March 19, 1994, pages 25-43].
(105) And in the United States, of Republican and Democratic administrations.
(106) As does the Christian Council for Monetary Justice; smaller weekly meetings of a more informal nature are also held in Central London.

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